Pets vs. Assistance Animals Webinar
Course Overview
60 min
Webinar Date: Tuesday, April 27th at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT
Length: One Hour
Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today!
Pets vs. Assistance Animals
We know that we must accommodate Assistance Animals on our properties, but when is an animal a pet and when is it considered an assistance Animal?
HUD/FHEO issued new guidance in 2020 to assist Owner/Agents navigate these tricky questions.
In this session, we will explore:
- The difference between an Assistance Animal and a Pet
- Accommodations you must provide
- Permissible inquiries regarding Assistance Animals, especially when an individual’s disability or disability-related need is not obvious or observable
- Type of Verifications and Documentation that may be requested regarding the need for the Assistance Animal
- Typical types of Assistance Animals and
- Best Practices regarding Reasonable Accommodations for Assistance Animals.
Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion.
Course Content